This time of year is when I do most of my portrait sessions. Between December and March all
Edinburgh wedding photographers experience a drop off as less couples get married this time of year so it’s always nice to be busy doing portraits and I’m usually able to fit in some commercial work, too. It’s particularly enjoyable to do portrait sessions with former brides and grooms whose wedding I photographed when their first baby comes along. Here’s a few shots from some recent sessions.

When it comes to portraits, especially children, smiles are always what parents are hoping for. But it doesn’t always have to be about looking at the camera and smiling. The opening photograph here illustrates that. This is Emily. I did a variety of different of photographs with Emily and she was a delight! I also became one of her best friends, too, so feeling very honoured! For this particular image though I asked her to turn away from the camera and look up into the light. She is almost in profile but crucially you can still see both of her eyes which are the focal point of the photograph. A back light (also known as a hair light) helps separate her from the background and the overall effect is quite dramatic and timeless, especially when converted to black and white.

By contrast the last photo here is totally opposite. This was shot at the end of a family session where I had time to try something experimental. A high key white background had been used throughout the shoot for the two girls and their baby sister. For this shot however I deliberately over powered the lights and allowed it to flood in and around her from behind. I love this shot! The experimental lighting gives it great impact but at the same time it’s caught the nice, natural expression on her face. Again I’ve converted to black and white. This often works very well with children and babies.

All these photographs were taken in the clients living rooms. I don’t need much space to set up my mobile studio and as you can see from the results we are able to achieve that distinctive studio look whilst remaining in the comfortable environment of your own home. For babies under 6 months I use a specialist baby poser that moulds around the baby keeping them both comfortable and secure whilst being photographed. The baby poser can be manipulated into several different shapes and options all the while keeping the baby safe and happy.

If you like the look of these pictures and perhaps thinking about booking a
portrait photographer in Edinburgh why not give me a call and I can book an appointment with you?
This weekend I am doing a shoot for the Royal Terrace Hotel. Lots of interior photography for their showround book and I also have two models coming in as a bride and groom on the Saturday afternoon. I’m really looking forward to it! We’ll get lots of typical wedding shots but also it gives me the chance to do some more experimental stuff as well. The photos will be on here in due course.
I’ve just been invited to attend the next Wedding Weekend at Ocean Terminal Debenhams. The dates are February 25th and 26th if you wanted to pop them in the diary. I’m the only
wedding photographer in Edinburgh invited along together with a few other selected wedding companies. So if you are looking for high quality wedding photography but haven’t yet booked a photographer I’d be happy to chat with you, answer all your questions and show you the very latest albums. And of course I’m always available to meet with you at any mutually convenient time, too. Just give me a call to make an appointment. Remember the
Royal Wedding album offer is now into the last week!
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