A busy period just now what with wedding fairs, Edinburgh portrait sessions, album designing and still a couple of weddings to photograph before the end of the year. Last weekend was the Edinburgh Corn Exchange wedding fair, the biggest in central Scotland, and then this Sunday I’m down in Newcastle for the Great North East Bridal Show, one of the leading wedding fairs in the North East of England. I really enjoy doing wedding fairs as it’s a chance to showcase my albums and Storybooks which being bespoke designed makes them really stand out above the template system of designing used by most wedding photographers.

As we are in the middle of the autumn wedding fair season I’m going to take the opportunity to talk about pre-wedding Engagement Shoots. My last engagement shoot was with Nikki and Russell just two weeks ago. I took them to the Point Hotel in the centre of Edinburgh who very kindly gave me use of the stunning Penthouse Suite function room that looks out across the city towards Edinburgh Castle. I’ve photographed many weddings at the Point Hotel Edinburgh and also do a lot of photography for the hotel which is why they were happy to allow me use of the Penthouse for the photo shoot.

Engagement Shoots are pretty much win win events for all involved. Firstly, it gives you the chance to work with a professional photographer who can coach you through the secrets of how to look good in front of the camera. We can try different poses and sequences and experiment to see which ones you feel most comfortable with and that work best for the style and look of the photographs you’d like.

A typical Engagement Shoot will last around 45 minutes. I try not to make it too much longer as a 30-45 minute slot is quite close to the time you will have for

They will then pick their favourite image which I will have printed and mounted up into one of our wedding signature mounts which goes on display on the wedding day for guests to sign and leave congratulatory messages on the special signature mounting board. For the photo shoot itself and the signature mount print I currently charge £90, but keep a look out for special offers and promotions. You can purchase any of the remaining photographs from the session at the normal print rates or we can compile all the images from the shoot into an Engagement Image Book. The first picture you see in this blog post is the opening double page spread of a 12 x 8 inch Engagement Image Book.
I don’t know how many other wedding photographers in Edinburgh offer Engagement Shoots but I’m sure they will become more and more popular. I had a thoroughly enjoyable

"Many thanks for your time yesterday. We were both surprised how much fun and comfortable it was. The photos are stunning! I was gob smacked when I saw them especially as neither of us like having our picture taken. I will email you later in the week what pictures we want to get and as soon as I have a confirmed date I’ll be looking to book the date with you."

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