Spring wedding fair season is now upon us keeping all of us professional Edinburgh wedding photographers busy. It’s a great opportunity to show off our albums and also chat with future brides and grooms about their wedding plan and idea’s. The first one for me is this Sunday at the Edinburgh Hilton Hotel and then I will be at Edinburgh’s largest wedding fair which is at the Corn Exchange beginning of March.
One thing I’ve learned as wedding photographer in Edinburgh is that you have to select which wedding fairs to exhibit at carefully. It’s impossible to do all of them even though it might be flattering to be invited. But so of them work and some don’t and some simply do not have the right atmosphere.
Its important when exhibiting at wedding fairs that as photographers we show real life weddings albums. It is quite common amongst part time wedding togs, or other photographers who don’t feel their full set of weddings photographs are too impressive, to use compilations albums.
Probably because I’m not much of a slick salesman, lol. But it’s really nice when couples tell me that as soon as they saw my work they knew I was the photographer for them!
I do a full range of weddings album from Traditional albums through to the latest Storybooks. One of my most popular albums is my Deluxe Image Book which sits in-between the two having a traditional wedding album look and feel but with Storybook style pages.
The vast majority of wedding photographers use popular template software to design their wedding albums. If you have visited some of the larger wedding fairs you may have noticed that many of the albums from different photographers do all look very much the same. If couples like the look and style of these then I am more than happy to do this for them, but I also like to do bespoke designed albums which are exclusive to each wedding. These are designed from a complete blank canvas and created with no templates at all, so it really is a case of creating something unique and special to each couple.
The albums come in all different shapes, sizes, looks and finishes so we are able to show quite a large product range at a wedding fair. It is also good to keep your sample albums up to date with recent weddings which is something I’ve been doing the last few weeks in preparation for the spring. I’m posting pictures of a few album pages from recent weddings I photographed last year and also a couple of my long time favourites.
I’m down the mine this Saturday as well for Claire and Stuart’s wedding. That’s the Scottish Mining Museum on the edge of Edinburgh. Claire’s father used to work in the mines here so she’s allowed to go down to the coal face for photographs. So we’ll really get something different! Hope I can clean all the coal off me in time for the Sunday wedding fair, lol.
As well as wedding fairs I’m doing quite a lot of portrait sessions at the moment, too. This is a nice off shoot from wedding photography, particularly at this time of year when the wedding season has yet to kick off fully. Many of these are clients who’s wedding I’ve photographed or perhaps family and friends so its nice to do some portrait work with them. I picked up a 'Silver' Award in the SWPP (Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers) a few months ago in the Children’s category so I didn’t think that was bad going for a wedding specialist, lol.
Anyway, if you currently planning a wedding, or want to book a portrait session, come along on Sunday to Hilton in Grosvenor Street and we’ll fix something up. Complimentary drinks and canapés throughout the afternoon too together with performances from the Rose Street Quartet.
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