I love the summer months, not just because the weathers is nicer but because the weddings come along so frequently I’ve no sooner finished editing one set of wedding photographs and I’m off to the next. I’ve also managed to sandwich in-between the weddings doing some work on the
Edinburgh Wedding Fair which will be held at the Edinburgh Hilton on October 10th later this year.

I promise you, if you only attend one wedding fair this year then it has to be this one! I will tell you more about things in another post as today I want to show you some photos from Lianne and David’s wedding, but I was delighted this week to secure Forth One as a partner for this exciting event, which will really add to the buzz building up for the show and of course also means extensive coverage and promotion from central Scotland’s most popular radio station. I think all of us involved in the organising are getting really excited about the prospects of staging a totally fresh and new kind of wedding show. You can click this
Edinburgh Wedding Fair link for more information.
As well as loving the summer, I also love beautiful wedding venues! And as an
Edinburgh wedding photographer Harburn House in west Lothian is one of my favourites!

I’ve photographed many weddings here as one of their recommended wedding suppliers and each one is a delight! On the morning of Lianne and David’s wedding the rain was lurking, but I was pretty sure we’d get a few breaks where we could pop out for some photos, which proved to be the case. If you book Harburn House for a wedding you have exclusive use of the house and the vast estate. Lianne and the girls were getting ready at the main house, while David and the guys were over at the Haymains in the apartments near where the ceremony would be held.

We started at the house with all the pre-wedding getting ready shots. The main lounge had been commandeered by the hair and make-up artist who were busily working on Lianne and the bridesmaids. I shot photographs at various stages of the preparations unobtrusively from different angles of the rooms capturing some nice, natural images. We also flitted up to the main bedroom and got some detail shots of all the dresses, the bouquets and the shoes. I have to say that this is the first wedding I’ve ever photographed at Harburn House where the bedroom has been kept so tidy! So a big thank you to Lianne (or was it her mum? lol) for that as it made my job much much easier.

It’s about a two minute drive across to the Haymains so it wasn’t too hard to take a couple of trips over there before the ceremony to shoot some further details of the room being set up and also some shots of David and the groomsmen on a second visit. I was then back over to the main house for the final preparations before taking some quick posed photographs of Lianne and all the bridesmaids with the two flower girls.
I then made of to the Haymains once again to be there ahead of the bridal cars so I could photograph them as they arrived for the ceremony.

Alongside the reportage photographs I briefly paused Lianne and her father in the ante-room for a quick portrait before heading off ahead of them and shooting them as proceeded down the aisle.
As the rain was still looking questionable we did the formal group photographs inside using the portable studio lighting as we had done at Michelle and Phil’s wedding. Following this I did a few quick shots of the newly weds in the same room but moving them across to one of the bay windows so we’d have a different back ground from the formals. As we then went out to the cars we found we’d hit a break in the showers so we utilised this by doing a ten minute session around the gardens of the Haymains before heading back over to the main house.

We finished the main bride and groom pictures inside at Harburn House which included a mixture of classic wedding photographs and a few relaxed and fun images. Then we were all ready for something to eat.
Photographing the speeches at the wedding reception is great fun but it also requires quite a bit of skill and anticipation to capture the essence and the atmosphere of the occasions in a set of pictures.

Of course with a set of photographs you need to bear in mind that you can’t actually hear what the speaker is saying. So in order to convey the spirit and fun in the images you are looking for the spontaneous expressions, movements and gestures that reflect the emotions and feelings of what is happening. Often this may be hilarity at a funny remark or story, a passing tear or reflective moment as someone gives a poignant remark or simply a look of enjoyment. To capture these moments you not only have to be extremely vigilant but also anticipate events and know which person to train the camera on at any given time.

Timing is absolutely crucial as these expression are usually fleeting and if your eye to hand (or finger in this case, lol) isn’t spot on the moment will have gone by the time you press the shutter.
I hope the three examples I’ve chosen here illustrate the above. The first is a shot of the bestmans speech. Obviously in the photo we cant hear what he is saying but the captured gesture conveys quite accurately how he is in the throes of telling a gripping story.

The following shot shows the bride and grooms reaction, which tells us the bestmans story was obviously about the groom, and that Lianne found it hilarious. The last photograph was shot just after all the speeches and toasts were concluded and simply captures the enjoyment on David’s face. Diane also took a similar shot of Lianne so both photographs can complement each other nicely in the wedding album.
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