Well my Wedding Photo of the Year 2009 competition is proving to be great fun right now. I’m getting scores of votes coming each day and its been really good reading all the comments that have been attached to many of them. Its been particularly interesting reading the comments made from ‘regular’ visitors to my blog who have no affiliation to any of the couples but simply voting on the merits of the image itself.

Anyway, the competition will run until Sunday and then I’ll publish the winners names and image on here next week. But for now I thought you might find it interesting how the voting has been going and reading some of the comments that have been left.
I launched the competition on Friday 8th January and then emailed the 15 couples who had made it through to the final selection. I also posted a link in the News section of my wedding website which receives a few hundred hits everyday. Initially, Leigh-ann and Jonathan’s picture picked up the most votes, both from their family and friends and also a few neutrals. Lucie and Ryans photograph slowly began catching up and by Sunday evening had poked its nose into the lead. So at that stage the top three images were Lucie and Ryan, then Leigh-ann and Jonathan followed by Jenna and Casey who were pretty much neck and neck with Kelly and Nick.
On Monday and Tuesday Jenna and Casey went storming into the lead. They continued to receive plenty of votes mid week too and by Thursday I thought they wouldn’t be caught. However, there has been a rejuvenation in votes cast for Lucie and Ryan and whilst Jenna and Casey are still out in front the gap is now considerably smaller. And going by last week things can quickly change.
Once again I would like to thank everyone who has taken time to vote and leave me comments. Here’s a few of the remarks that I’ve received (I’ve omitted the names of the senders just to protect the innocent, lol).
Lucie and Ryan, a beautiful natural image.
Excellent photos to remember their special day
Leigh-ann and Jonathan’s photograph is simply stunning!
All great photos! Congrats!
Kelly and Nick, so romantic.
Casey and Jenna to win coz they are lovely
Love the pose of Marguerite and Gordon.
I would like to vote for Jenna and Casey to win. I think they look amazing and the photo is fantastic!
Katrina and Paul, beautiful bride, beautiful car, beautiful city, beautiful photo!
‘mon the Harrowers!
You have made them look so relaxed and comfortable.
The pictures are so beautiful!
Lucie and Ryan, they look so natural and so in love!
Daniel and Anja coz he has the same kilt as me.
I’m not 100% sure if the last comment is a descriptive expression of emotion or if someone was suffering a heart attack just as they posted their vote! lol
Anyway, that’s the latest about the competition. Keep the votes coming in and if your chosen couple is not in the top three I suggest you start posting the link out to as many of your family and friends as possible. You have until Sunday. I’ll post the winner here next Monday, but if you cant wait until then I’m at the Queensferry Hotel, just under the Forth Road Bridge at North Queensferry, this Sunday for a wedding open afternoon between noon and 4pm, so if you want to look in and say Hi I can accidentally let the result slip out ;) Also if you are currently planning a wedding and looking for a wedding photographer I’ll have plenty of albums with me so come along for a look and a chat.

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