I started off shooting the rapids on the American side of the Niagara River as it makes its way down and around Goat Island. My original plan was to get across the border first and checked into my hotel and then come back out for photography but I couldn’
My hotel was situated right between the Falls and Tim Horton’s, which is Canada’s equivalent of Costa Coffee, and really good coffee it is too! They don’t do my favourite latte’s tho so I had to make do with French vanilla capps. I know, it’s a hard life, eh?
You can walk between both the Bridal Falls and the Horseshoe Falls via the Rainbow Bridge, which is the Border Crossing between America and Canada, and there are plenty of great vantage points that bring you up close and personal with both falls. I managed a couple of early morning sunrises from the Canadian side, and then crossed the bridge for some alternative views from the American side.
I also rode what I was told is the worlds largest Ferris wheel, although I havent had chance to confirm this yet. There are good views from the top but the glass was too smudged for photographs. Anyway, adjacent to the Ferris wheel is a specialty fudge and ice cream parlour where they sell cheesecake ice cream thingys. Okay, that’s not the official name but what they do is put your selected cheesecake on a stick (mine was a toffee cheesecake) rather like a lolly, then dip it into melted chocolate and then allow the chocolate to harden so you end up with a chocolate covered cheesecake ice cream thingy. Hmm…maybe ‘thingy’ is the right name after all ;) Anyway, suffice to say they are yummy!
I knew that the colossal amount of water plunging over the Horseshoe Falls creates an enormous amount of mist and spray making a full image of the falls virtually impossible as it obscures such a large area. So I decided instead to use the spray to diffuse the early morning sun, which would normally be so bright it would burn out other area’s of the image, so getting up as close to the falls as possibl
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