I’ve been running several portrait promotions and they’ve proved to be very popular. I’ve also been designing and updating my marketing and advertising as well as samples and albums.
January is usually the month for this as it’s a quiet month for weddings and gives the opportunity of getting everything spruced up for the spring wedding fair season which generally kicks off towards the end of February. There is of course a great many wedding photographers in Edinburgh so one of the things you are trying to do is make your adverts stand out and get your name out there as prominently as possible (like as in the New York picture, lol). I am in the fortunate position where most of my work comes from word of mouth and referrals, but of course advertising is important not just in attracting new clients but reminding the family and friends of previous and current clients that you are still around and available for them as well as giving folks the opportunity to see my range of albums and wedding books.
I will be at several wedding fairs in the spring starting with The Hilton Edinburgh on February 20th. I’ll tell you more about the others nearer the time. In the autumn I was the only the Edinburgh wedding photographer exhibiting at the Hilton but for this event I’ve also brought in an additional photographer just so we don’t disappoint visitors who’s wedding date is one that I’m already booked for.
I’ve also been doing a few wedding venue check’s too this month (there’s another excuse for my blogging tardiness) or as we togs prefer to call them “recce’s”. A couple of days ago I went down a mine for a wedding I have in February. Claire and Stuart’s wedding is on the 19th and they

have permission to go down the mine for photographs providing it’s okay with their photographer. Well, their photographer is me so of course it’s okay! lol Anyway I met up with Claire last Thursday and we went down to the coal face to check it out. Watch out for the photos next month.
I’ve also had two of my camera’s in for servicing this month as well. A very expensive business when you are a professional photographer. £280 is what I have to pay for one camera which includes a small repair. More than I paid for having my car serviced! Although pro camera’s are the price of cars these days so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Still don’t see why I shouldn’t be allowed to complain about it, lol. Anyway I’m all set and raring to go so if you know anyone looking for a wedding photographer in Edinburgh who is happy to travel anywhere (except Budapest after watching this weeks Silent Witness lol) tell them to give me a call.